gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Veterans Round 1

Ron "Cat" Catlan

Ron "Cat" Catlan
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Veterans Round 1
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Number One (1969)
  • Actor/Actress: Charlton Heston
  • Position Portrayed: Quarterback for the New Orleans Saints
  • Why you should vote:: This is Ben-Hur for crying out loud!
  • Why you should not vote:: The Saints were a mess in the late 60’s, was it really that important to play with them?
  • We here at are suckers for all things New Orleans Saints, and all things Charlton Heston following the Planet of the Apes, so how can we not love the box office bomb that was “Number One” where Heston played Ron “Cat” Catlan, a 40 year old Quarterback of the New Orleans Saints who once led them to a Championship, but desperately trying to hold on. It was a very impressive feat considering the Saint never won a title until 2009 and this film was released in 1969 (only three years after New Orleans entered the league), but Moses can do a lot can’t he?

    Incidentally, members of the then Saints were in the film, and Heston, who made his share of stinkers would call this the worst film he ever made.