gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1

John Gillon

John Gillon
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Diggstown (1992)
  • Actor/Actress: Bruce Dern
  • Why you should vote:: This is an underrated evil role in Sports cinema.
  • Why you should not vote:: This film had a limited audience.
  • You know that you are an evil character when after you lose at the end of the film, even your own son says you deserved it. Though not a lot of people saw Diggstown, but those who did would have witnessed a man who made his money through some of the most nefarious sports related means possible. Gillon bet against his hometown hero, Charles Macum Diggs, and ensured that the boxer would not win by drugging him in between rounds; rendering Diggs a vegetable for his remaining days. Dern, was equally ruthless and creepy, and it was one of the more underrated villains in Sports cinema. Too bad, most people missed this hidden gem.