gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1

Bud Kilmer

Bud Kilmer
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Varsity Blues (1999)
  • Actor/Actress: Jon Voight
  • Why you should vote:: He was a winner of many championships.
  • Why you should not vote:: The Dawson’s Creek guy got one over on him. How the hell did happen?
  • Okay, we know that Bud Kilmer was supposed to be the bad guy here, but was he really that different from a lot of Texas High School coaches? Consider that the film portrayed his coaching record as impeccable, winning multiple championships at a pace whereby the stadium was named after him and a bronze statue of him was outside of the aforementioned facility. However…….

    He showed himself to be arrogant and a tad racist, and put the game ahead of his player’s well-being. He did rule with an iron fist, but a player’s mutiny took place under his watch. Actually, when he lost control, we kind of understood why Angelina Jolie does not talk to her father that much.