gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Eddie "Kid Natural" Scanlon

Eddie "Kid Natural" Scanlon
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Main Event (1979)
  • Actor/Actress: Ryan O’Neal
  • Why you should vote:: Only because you love Barbara Streisand movies. Seriously, that is all we have.
  • Why you should not vote:: How do we count the ways?
  • At what point did any casting agent look at Ryan O’Neal and think that he could be a credible boxer? Actually, we are still trying to figure out who thought he was a credible actor in the first place? We have no problem stating that this is one of the worst fictitious boxers we have ever seen, but “The Main Event” was a box office success, so maybe we are in the minority here.