gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Danny Noonan

Danny Noonan
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Caddyshack (1980)
  • Actor/Actress: Michael O’Keefe
  • Why you should vote:: He defeated (with the help of a gopher) Judge Smails in the golf game at the end. In this iconic film, that should be worth something right?
  • Why you should not vote:: What Danny Noonan quote do you use?
  • Looking back, Caddyshack could have probably cast many goofing looking no-names in the role of Danny Noonan, so the question is did Michael O’Keefe do enough in this role, or was this really a movie that was run by the comedic talents in the flick? What works in Noonan’s favor is that he won the golf game at the end, but realistically when people quote this film; do they mention anything O’Keefe did? Chances are they didn’t, but considering the iconic stature of this movie, shouldn’t he have a shot?