gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Cheeseburger Eddie

Cheeseburger Eddie
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Longest Yard (2005)
  • Actor/Actress: Terry Crews
  • Position Portrayed: Linebacker
  • Played For:: The Mean Machine
  • Why you should vote:: Because he is no baby back bitch!
  • Why you should not vote:: Do you really want to vote for someone who could magically make cheeseburgers appear from his crotch?
  • Terry Crews has to be one of the most likable people in Hollywood, regardless of his role. How can we say this? Because he played “Cheeseburger Eddie”, a large convict who could make McDonald’s food appear (we really don’t want to know how) out of nowhere; and we liked him for it! He delivered corny lines and did the robot dance, and again, we liked it. Now, we know we aren’t the only ones!