gold star for USAHOF
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Lou Collins

Lou Collins
Although we had no real issue with the character of Lou Collins, it was his portrayer, Timothy Busfield that bothered us a bit. It was not that he was bad in the role, but at no point could we really buy the guy who was Poindexter in Revenge of the Nerds and one of the whining guys in Thirtysomething as a Major League First Baseman.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Little Big League (1994)

Timothy Busfield

Position Portrayed:
First Base

Played for:
Minnesota Twins

Why you should vote for him:
Well, he banged the owner’s mom. That is a real life fantasy for….ok, nobody.

Why you should not vote for him:


Lincoln Hawk

LIncoln Hawk
In our modest opinion, “Over the Top” is the ultimate 80’s guilty pleasure sports film; basically it is Roadhouse with Arm Wrestling. Actually, to the best of our knowledge, this is the only big budget Arm Wrestling film ever made.

Although Stallone did himself no favors to appease critics of his acting with his performance, at least he was a million shades better than the snot nosed kid who played his son; who was so annoying that we could not imagine why he wanted to hang out with the little shit in the first place. Regardless, when we think of this film, we think of that scene where Stallone mumbles about how when he turns hit backwards it is like a switch fondly (in a guilty sort of way). Funny, how that doesn’t work for us when we do that with our baseball hat.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Over the Top (1987)

Sylvester Stallone

Why you should vote for him:
How about because you also turn your hat backwards which gives you extra strength?

Why you should not vote for him:
Guilty pleasure or not, this is not exactly a cinematic masterpiece.



Lester "Worm" Murphy

Lester Worm Murphy
We must have watched Rocky IV too many times before Rounders. We compared Teddy KGB to Ivan Drago, and when thinking of Lester “Worm” Murphy we thought of Paulie, a friend who only caused problems for our hero, due to selfishness and ineptitude. We’ll say this though, if we are going to have a friend that bad, we at least want him to be as good an actor as Edward Norton.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Rounders (1998)

Matt Damon

Why you should vote for him:
Norton was great as a weasel.

Why you should not vote for him:
Is poker a sport?


Larry Musgrove

Larry Musgrove
This was typical Disney fare for a sports film, so recounting here seems a little redundant. Let’s just say that when half way decent line occurred, it was given to the goofy looking fat kid; as tends to happen in mediocre films with copious amounts of children.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Big Green (1995)

Patrick Renna

Position Portrayed:

Played for:
Elma, TX

Why you should vote for him:
Have you seen this kid? Give him a break!

Why you should not vote for him:
Steve Guttenberg (a post Police Academy version) had the top billing here. Enough said.

