gold star for USAHOF
How up are you on Argentinian rowing?  The good doctor will bring you up to speed with the only three words you need to know.  Maria Laura Abalo.
Swedish high jumpers?  Actually, let’s be honest, the good doctor and many of you don’t really follow the high jump.  I will give you a reason to pay attention with Swedish babe, Emma Green Tregaro.
Belarus isn’t Russia, but that is ok.  Aleksandra Gerasimenya from that nation is a beautiful swimmer and the good doctor enjoys all of her!  I’m not wrong am I?
Big Wave Surfing.  Is that the same as regular surfing?  The good doctor is no expert on that, but I am on the lovely ladies and I have a big wave for the hot Brazilian big wave surfer, Maya Gabeira.
Nope.  The good doctor has it right.  Olia Burtaev is from Australia, not Eastern Europe.  This swimming damsel is part of the Australian Synchronized Swim Team, and is usually the cutie you can’t take your eye off of.  I know that I cannot!
The good doctor loves this name.  Guess what else I love?  The look of Swedish soccer player, Kosovare Asllani, who has this natural look that is nothing short of spectacular!
How much does the good doctor love his Slovakian shooters?  Quite a bit if you need to know!  Daniela Peskova fits the bill in regards to Slovakian shooting sexiness!
She is cute isn’t she?  The uber blonde Estonian Archer, Reena Parnat has a cute and innocent look but do you remember Katniss in the Hunger Games?  She was quite the archer too!  Honestly, I don’t know what point I was making there.  I just know that she is cute!  
Brazilian long jumper, Keila Costa has such an incredible form.  Watching her long jump (especially in slow motion) makes the good doctor want her to jump into his heart!
Get ready.  The good doctor is going to make his worst pun yet.  “Ivana spank Ivana Spanovic”.  Sorry, I couldn’t resist.  Although when I look at the Serbian long jumper, I don’t think she will let me do that to her, but I think she might be the type who is more the spanker than the spankee.