gold star for USAHOF

To the Max!

14 years 3 months ago #369 by Knuckles
Replied by Knuckles on topic To the Max!

jimmy26 wrote:I am sure all of those grat career statistic accumalators such as Karl Malone, Chuck Barkley and Reggie Miller would trade places with Walton and his one ring. None of those guys could have carried a second rate franchise to the title with limited talent around him. Yes, Mo Lucas was a great power forward but did you see what happened to the Blazers after Walton got hurt. Accumalation of stats are not evrything to being a hall of famer. How truly impactful you were to the game is. And Bill Walton is one of the best ever. A no doubt first ballot hall of famer in any equation.

If you say so.

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14 years 3 months ago #175 by Ziggy Koole
Replied by Ziggy Koole on topic To the Max!
I'm pretty sure Granato (and Angela James) got in last year and those are the only girls I'd put in so far. Obviously when Wickenheiser retires she'll get in but that's still a good 6 or 7 years away. I think there are about 40 male players elligible now who should make it ahead of Rheaume. Heck, I'd put Peter Forsberg in ahead of Rheaume and you know how much I don't like that guy.One question, why are we having a hockey discussion in a basketball forum?

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14 years 3 months ago #172 by Knuckles
Replied by Knuckles on topic To the Max!

Ziggy Koole wrote:Knuckles, your definately right. Let me rephrase:You guys can make a list about womens hockey or add female players to the regular list if you want, it's just I wouldn't do it because I don't follow women's hockey. Even during the Olympics.

And I don't think you're too far off from the normal sports fan, let alone someone who follows and knows their hockey such as yourself. I have a vague idea whhere to begin, with players like Cammi Granato and Manon Rheaume, but to rank women's hockey players woould almost be akin to rating women's boxers. The biggest argument is, plain and simple, the history is not there. Nor is the stage. There is the Olympics and that's about it for anything even close to resonating.I am not one to dissuade from a Machiavellian task. Rheaume is the only female player with even a case to be added to the list. And only because of her fame, not because of her skills.

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14 years 3 months ago #171 by Ziggy Koole
Replied by Ziggy Koole on topic To the Max!
Knuckles, your definately right. Let me rephrase:You guys can make a list about womens hockey or add female players to the regular list if you want, it's just I wouldn't do it because I don't follow women's hockey. Even during the Olympics.

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14 years 3 months ago #165 by Knuckles
Replied by Knuckles on topic To the Max!

Ziggy Koole wrote:Yes please never make a list about female players. I'm not trying to be a sexist here, but I really don't care about womens hockey.

With all due respect, and despite some on point opinion differences I have nothing but respect, stuff like this has to go beyond one single person's personal biases.

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14 years 3 months ago #161 by Ziggy Koole
Replied by Ziggy Koole on topic To the Max!
Yes please never make a list about female players. I'm not trying to be a sexist here, but I really don't care about womens hockey.

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14 years 3 months ago #113 by Committee Chairman
Replied by Committee Chairman on topic To the Max!
One thing we will promise is that we WONT rank female hockey players!

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14 years 3 months ago #105 by Ziggy Koole
Replied by Ziggy Koole on topic To the Max!
The hockey hall of fame is the most puzzling, in part due to because they are now inducting female players, but for another reason as well.Throughout the history of the hhof, the theme has been that of a "big hall". and i have always been a fan of the big hall, even if that does mean there are some questionable choices getting in (im not gonna name names, but you know who i mean.)Yet for some reason, sometime within the last 7 or 8 years or so, theyve swung the pendelum too far the other way, now adopting the stance "if you can make an argument as to why theyre not a hall of famer, theyre not a hall of famer."i mean, they did induct glenn anderson and igor larionov and dino ciccarelli (not that any of them werent deserving, they just dont quite fit the "greatest of the great" term.) but anderson and ciccarelli had to wait a really long time, and larionov was aided by the fact that he was a consistent winner who played for a really long time. and even he didnt get in first-ballot.the naismith basketball hall of fame will forever be the most confusing hall of fame. zaslovsky and artis gilmore have been denied entry, and yet some guys whos names i either dont know or forgot are now in the hall of fame. its a joke. i want to see the list, just so i can point out how ridiculous the bbhof is.

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14 years 3 months ago #103 by Knuckles
Replied by Knuckles on topic To the Max!

Committee Chairman wrote:Sorry for the late reply, Knuckles..... LOL at the college coach comment, I think this is why we have been delaying our basketball list as it is so difficult to start on!

No problem, at all. Of all the sports HOFs, this is the one that is the most puzzling, although the Hockey HOF is getting there now that they're inducting female players. I don't have anything against female hockey players, but it seems like they're really becoming an all-encompassing body.

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14 years 3 months ago #102 by Committee Chairman
Replied by Committee Chairman on topic To the Max!
Sorry for the late reply, Knuckles..... LOL at the college coach comment, I think this is why we have been delaying our basketball list as it is so difficult to start on!

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