gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Round 1

Maury Sline

Maury Sline
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Round 1
  • Portrayed by Steve Lawrence, Maury Sline was a booking agent who we saw briefly (though we seemed to see a lot of his chest hair) who may have been sleazy, but he booked The Blues Brothers the Palace Hotel Ballroom upstate which the group packed to allow them to complete their "Mission from God." Sline asked for a taste of the gate, which we have to assume he got since it was a full house.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Blues Brothers (1980)
  • Actor/Actress: Steve Lawrence
  • Position Portrayed: Booker
  • Why you should vote:: He booked the Blues Brothers in the venue that allowed them to complete their "Mission from God."
  • Why you should not vote:: Sline was very slimy.