gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Round 1

L.T. Smash

L.T. Smash
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Round 1
  • L.T. Smash was the producer with Classified Records who saw talent in Bart Simpson, Milhouse Van Houten, Nelson Muntz, and Ralph Wiggum and transformed them into the Party Posse. In reality, the quartet was highly produced (because they couldn't really sing), and the pre-teen boy band's music contained subliminal messages to join the U.S. Navy. L.T was just an acronym for Lieutenant.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Simpsons (2001)
  • Actor/Actress: Hank Azaria
  • Position Portrayed: A producer with Classified Records
  • Why you should vote:: He was successful, and bringing people to defend the country, wasn't that bad, was it?
  • Why you should not vote:: It was dishonest, and boy bands suck.