gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Round 1

Harry Tophet

Harry Tophet
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Round 1
  • You have to hand it to George Burns, who became a major star in his late 70's and up until his death at age 100 had eclipsed anything he had done in the decades before. He became an unlikely yet bankable movie star, and he would appear in three films where he played God, the last of which (Oh God! You Devil) would see him in a dual role as the Devil.
    When you have a film where the Devil appears, often he has another alias. In this case, it Harry O. Tophet (Tophet being the Hebrew word for Hell) who manifests himself as a super agent who promises a struggling songwriter fame for seven years, but of course, there was a twist. In the end, Devil loses, and the songwriter gets his life back only to be Blossom's dad later.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Oh God! You Devil (1984)
  • Actor/Actress: George Burns
  • Position Portrayed: Super Agent
  • Why you should vote:: Because your soul depends on it.
  • Why you should not vote:: This film was by far the weakest of the Oh God trilogy.