gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Round 1

Ricki and the Flash

Ricki and the Flash
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Round 1
  • Can Meryl Streep do wrong?

    The answer is no.

    The goddess of acting appears at a late 50’s rocker chick still looking for a big break but realistically in nothing more than a bar band. Streep’s range gives us sadness, comedy and pathos better than anyone and damned of we didn’t want Ricki and the Flash to have been successful had we been able to change the fictional rock past.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Ricki and the Flash (2015)
  • Actors: Meryl Streep
  • Songs you may remember: Multiple
  • Why you should vote:: Two words: Meryl Streep
  • Why you should not vote:: The film isn’t necessarily about the band. That does matter.