gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Round 1

Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith

Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Round 1
  • Hmmmm, we are a little torn on this one. First off, Eminem was brilliant as B-Rabbit, a gifted white rapper from the inner city of Detroit. Despite his talent, a white boy in 2002 trying to make it in the rap world is an uphill battle, but we presume he made it by his powerful victory in the film’s end rap battle.

    The movie performed well, was praised by the critics and generated an Oscar for Best Song (Lose Yourself), and again Eminem was brilliant; but how could he not be? Basically, he played himself as the plot was basically his life. How fictitious is B-Rabbit anyway? That question could keep this one out.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: 8 Mile (2002)
  • Actors: Eminem
  • Songs you may remember: Lose Yourself
  • Why you should vote:: The movie was great, Eminem was great, and there is more than enough music by this character.
  • Why you should not vote:: Realistically, we watched Eminem’s life story here.