gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Veterans Round 1

Bill "Stoker" Thompson

Bill "Stoker" Thompson
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Veterans Round 1
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Set-Up (1949)
  • Actor/Actress: Robert Ryan
  • Position Portrayed: Boxer
  • Why you should vote:: He picked his dignity and had the best win of his boxing career.
  • Why you should not vote:: Wasn’t exactly a triumph like Rocky Balboa was it?
  • There is something about post World War II film noir that we admit that we can’t get enough of. In “The Set-Up”, we meet a washed up boxer named “Stoker” Thompson who has so far on the downswing of his career that his manager accepts payment for his client to take a dive, without telling his boxer! During the fight, Thompson learns of it, but fights his heart out and manages to win the match, despite learning that the mob is involved. Interesting how the desire to win takes over!