gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1

Gil Renard

Gil Renard
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Fan (1996)
  • Actor/Actress: Robert DeNiro
  • Why you should vote:: This is the Godfather and that means….
  • Why you should not vote:: ….ok….it doesn’t really mean anything.
  • You would think that Robert DeNiro as a deranged fan in a thriller would work, yet in “The Fan”, the man considered as one of the greatest American actors of all time was not given what was needed to be effective. Was he believable? Sure, but watching Gil Renard fall into insanity wasn’t as much fun, because we really didn’t care for Wesley Snipes’ (who played the Baseball player he was obsessed with) character. As such, it came off a little cliché ridden, and we kind of wished he was obsessed with someone else. Now, Barry Bonds a few years later? That would have been interesting; and most people would know who to cheer for…and no Barry, we aren’t looking at you.