gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Brenden Conlon

Brenden Conlon
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Warrior (2011)
  • Actor/Actress: Joel Edgerton
  • Why you should vote:: There are limited opportunities for MMA fans to have an inductee, and he won the final fight at the end.
  • Why you should not vote:: He won the final fight, but was upstaged by his younger brother.
  • With believable fight scenes and decent acting skill, we enjoyed Joel Edgerton’s role as Brenden Conlon, the older dependable brother who fought his younger sibling at the end of the Mixed Martial Arts film, Warrior.

    The end fight scene alone, might propel one of the actors (either Edgerton or Tom Hardy) to our Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame; though we do think that depends on how time perceives this film and MMA in general.