gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Billy "The Kid" McDonnen

Billy "The Kid" McDonnen
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Grudge Match (2013)
  • Actor/Actress: Robert DeNiro
  • Why you should vote:: DeNiro is a legend, even in roles that are beneath him.
  • Why you should not vote:: With all due respect to DeNiro, there are more iconic fictional boxers than this.
  • Grudge Match may not have been a fan favorite of the critics, but for many this was a fun throwback remembering two of their past favorite actors, at least that is how we viewed it. In this film, Robert DeNiro plays former Light Heavyweight Champion, Billy “The Kid” McDonnen, a braggadocios though successful man living in the past. DeNiro is able to flex his comedic chops, though not necessarily his muscles, as he physically just did not look up to this. Still, this is Robert DeNiro so we will give him a pass!