gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Andy Schmidt "The Lover"

Andy Schmidt "The Lover"
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The One and Only (1978)
  • Actor/Actress: Henry Winkler
  • Why you should vote:: Ayyyyyyyyy!
  • Why you should not vote:: This was not an overly popular movie, and one of Fonzie’s forgotten roles.
  • A special movie for us because our good friend, Chavo Guerrero Sr. was in it, The One and Only, starred Henry Winkler, as Andy Schmidt, an averaged sized man who got into pro wrestling and struggled to find a persona to make him popular with the crowd. He did find one by basically ripping off the legendary 1950’s grappler (though not acknowledged in this movie), Gorgeous George, but again this is on the ballot because of our good friend Chavo; who we would like to point out beat up the Fonz in a match in the film.