gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Debbie "Liberty Belle" Eagan

Debbie "Liberty Belle" Eagan
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: G.L.O.W. (2017-)
  • Actor/Actress: Betty Gilpin
  • Why you should vote:: In terms of 80’s American propaganda, this is as elite as Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV.
  • Why you should not vote:: This is not the most likable character.
  • If you remember the 1980’s, it was the Ronald Reagan era and American patriotism at its highest. Hulk Hogan was the All-American star for the males and if you needed a like hero representing women, you had “Liberty Belle”. A former soap opera actress, Debbie Eagan would walk in as the star of the G.L.O.W. show with her blonde blue-eyed good looks and belief in all things American. Of course we know her backstory is far more interesting!