gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Carmen "Machu Picchu" Wade

Carmen "Machu Picchu" Wade
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: G.L.O.W. (2017-)
  • Actor/Actress: Britney Young
  • Why you should vote:: There are few fictional athletes that we can think of that puts a bigger smile on our face.
  • Why you should not vote:: This is a secondary character on a fringe show.
  • For those who recall the original G.L.O.W. series in the 1980’s you would remember that there was a woman named Emily Dole, who played “Mountain Fiji” was the true heart and soul of that program. In the fictionalized version on Netflix, we can’t say that the heart of the program belongs to her doppleganger, “Machu Picchu”, but the soul of the show definitely is with her. For what it is worth, it is also our favorite character.