gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Peter Colt

Peter Colt
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Wimbledon (2004)
  • Actor/Actress: Paul Bettany
  • Why you should vote:: This is probably the best representative of Tennis.
  • Why you should not vote:: The above statement really isn’t a selling point.
  • With the rise to prominence of Scottish born, Andy Murray in the tennis ranks, the idea of Wimbledon, a 2004 film where a journeyman Englishman wins the most prestigious tournament in Tennis doesn’t seem as special. Actually, there is not a whole lot special about the movie which isv“Chick Flick 101” set in a Tennis backdrop, but we do like Paul Bettany’s portrayal of the “never was” Peter Colt, and his unlikely rise at the sport’s grandest stage. Of course, Bettany is a British actor so that automatically makes a film better….and yes we DID make that generalization.