gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

George "Iceman" Chambers

George "Iceman" Chambers
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Undisputed (2002)
  • Actor/Actress: Ving Rhames
  • Why you should vote:: Rhames played the character in a way that we had to hate him; a real sports villain.
  • Why you should not vote:: Like we said, he was way too old (or mostly looked way too old) for this role.
  • Clearly inspired by Mike Tyson’s real life incarceration the decade before; George “Iceman” Chambers (Ving Rhames) plays a bad ass former Heavyweight Boxing Champion who winds up in jail. The normally likable Rhames, turns that switch off and he finds himself in a contest with the prison champion (Wesley Snipes). Although the film was not critically respected, we did like it, though we found Rhames miscast, as he was 43 when the film was out, and looked significantly older. He may have still resembled a bad ass boxer, but one who was at the prime of his career? Not a chance.