gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Derek McConnell

Derek McConnell
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Playmakers (2003)
  • Actor/Actress: Christopher Wiehl
  • Position Portrayed: Quarterback
  • Played For:: The Cougars
  • Why you should vote:: We have a respect for Quarterbacks who know their role as hounds.
  • Why you should not vote:: This was a very thin character.
  • Usually the Quarterback is the star of the show, but Derek McConnell was a background character who was not exactly the team leader. Instead he was painted as an average player who seemed to come from the American South, but he used his status to get as many women as possible. Now if that isn’t the American Dream, we don’t know what is.