gold star for USAHOF

2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Round 1

Captain John Colby

Captain John Colby
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Victory (1981)
  • Actor/Actress: Michael Caine
  • Position Portrayed: Halfback
  • Played For:: The Allied Prisoners of War
  • Why you should vote:: Because this is your only chance to induct the acting legend of Michael Caine!
  • Why you should not vote:: He was upstaged on the pitch by Pele.
  • For the record, we love Michael Caine, and we are sure we are not alone on this. As Captain John Colby in “Victory”, we got to see an actor we love in a sports related film. Colby was a former star in West Ham, who as a Prisoner of War was given the task to organize a team to play against the Germans, which he did so in return for better conditions for the prisoners. Although Caine was not a trained player, he looked like he belonged (or maybe we are biased, because we think he can do wrong…..even when he is). Yet, this film holds more weight in the United Kingdom than it does in the U.S., and as we are on the Western side of the Atlantic, we are not going to count on a lot of support for one of our favorite Englishmen.