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2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Final Round

Roy Munson

Roy Munson
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Kingpin (1996)
  • Actor/Actress: Woody Harrelson
  • Why you should vote:: It was one of the best comedic sports performances ever.
  • Why you should not vote:: You may not view bowling as a sport.
  • The 1979 Iowa Amateur Bowling Champion never lived up to his billing. Losing your right hand in a con gone wrong can do that. To us, the character of Roy Munson is one of the greatest comedic characters in a sports flick. From the bad clothes, comb over hairdo and just being the unluckiest son of a bitch we ever saw in a movie, Munson is the definition of “lovable loser”. We would consider voting for him just for his puking reaction after having sex with his ghastly landlord to avoid eviction; actually we are laughing aloud just thinking about it. Chances are there a few scenes from that movie that have you chuckle just recalling it.