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2023 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame - Final Round

Randy "The Ram" Robinson

Randy "The Ram" Robinson
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Wrestler (2008)
  • Actor/Actress: Mickey Rourke
  • Why you should vote:: If this Hall is based on acting, Rourke’s “Randy the Ram” should be a lock.
  • Why you should not vote:: Sad endings may not be for the Hall.
  • “The Wrestler” does not have that happy ending that most professional wrestling matches have. Actually, it has that ending that sadly mimicked the life of many pro wrestlers. It is not a film that appeals to only wrestling fans, but a dramatic masterpiece that was the most acclaimed of the year (2008) and justifiably gained a mass audience.

    “The Wrestler” in question was Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Mickey Rourke) whose best days were at least two decades behind him and was living a shell of existence to satisfy the only thing he really knows. If this Hall of Fame is to be based on great performances than it seems difficult to see “The Ram” out of this cyber-establishment for long.