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2023 Fictitious Contributor Final Round

George Costanza

George Costanza
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Contributor Final Round
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Seinfeld (1989-1998)
  • Actor/Actress: Jason Alexander
  • Why you should vote:: Although they did not win the World Series while he was there, the Yankees became a dynasty shortly after.
  • Why you should not vote:: You think Art Vandalay really had anything to do with the success in the Bronx?
  • Actually our favorite George Costanza job was a latex salesman; he had what may have been his highest profile position with New York Yankees Management. He managed to get the job by insulting George Steinbrenner (simply by doing everything opposite), introduced cotton to the pinstripes, was essentially incompetent and was traded to a chicken company.

    It may not sound impressive, but didn’t the Yankees enter a mini-dynasty in the late 90’s? George couldn’t have helped with that could he?