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Rev. Fred Sultan

Reverend Fred Sultan
Sometimes, we have wondered if Samuel L. Jackson appeared in every movie from 1990 to present day.   We know he hasn’t, but we also wonder if there is any role he hasn’t turned down. Minor sarcasm aside, the arguable king of cinematic cool, usually can make even the most unwatchable film palatable.

The Great White Hype was not a terrible boxing movie, nor was it Oscar caliber. As you may have deduced, the best part of the movie for us was Jackson, playing the Don King like boxing promoter, Reverend Fred Sultan. He may have been a sleazier caricature of King, but as always, Jackson made it the coolest role in the movie. Of course, in this film, it wasn’t exactly hard as there were not any great characters in this movie, however if you want Samuel L. Jackson in the Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame, this is the only shot.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Great White Hype (1996)

Samuel L. Jackson

Role Portrayed:
Boxing Promoter

Why you should vote for him:
There are few people (in any walk of life) cooler than Samuel L. Jackson.

Why you should not vote for him:
The film was average at best….and that might be a stretch.


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