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Sanka Coffee

Sanka Coffee
Okay, we know that Disney completely put their own spin on the Jamaican Bobsled Team, because if there really was a competitor named Sanka Coffee, he might have had a bigger run than Eddie “The Eagle Edwards in 1988. Played by Doug E. Doug, Coffee was the comedic star of the group, and the teams brake man based on his prowess in Push Cart races in Jamaica. Most importantly, most of the laughs in this film came from him, which might be worth something in our Hall of Fame.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Cool Runnings (1993)

Doug E. Doug

Played for:
Jamaican Bobsled Team

Why you should vote for him:
He was not the star of the bobsled team, but was the star of the film.

Why you should not vote for him:
His egg may be worth more votes.




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