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Leo Farnsworth/Joe Blanchard/Tom Jarrett

Leo Farnsworth
This one may be a little tricky. Heaven Can Wait was a well-respected film, and Football was a big part of it. There were cameos by legit NFL stars (like Deacon Jones) and the end goal was to win the Super Bowl, but film was more known for the dramatic vehicle for Warren Beatty. Beatty did not look like a Quarterback, especially a very young one, which he was supposed to portray, but as this was more of a fantasy type of picture, it seems to be easy to overlook. The problem here is that the movie does not seem to have much a life now, and is not often thought of in the pantheon of Football films.

Also is it just us, or does the sacrifice of Tom Jarrett put a damper on things? Seriously, where did he wind up? Either way, this is one where we will be fascinated to see how many votes are accrued.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Heaven Can Wait (1978)

Warren Beatty

Position Portrayed:

Played for:
Los Angeles Rams

Why you should vote for him:
It was a Super Bowl win by Beatty. That is the point of Football after all.

Why you should not vote for him:
For some reason, the legacy of this film is not there.


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