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Circus Monkey

Circus Monkey
From the rarely viewed 1996 independent film, Bandwagon, we have a band that just wanted to “make it”. We see their trials and tribulations in this decent film, but they are here as the music created for the film (which like the film, was rarely heard) is actually decent. That alone earned them a spot on the ballot.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Bandwagon (1996)

Lee Holmes (Tony Ridge, Guitar & Vocals)
Matthew Hennessey (Charlie Flagg, Drummer)
Kevin Corrigan (Wynn Knapp)
Steve Parlavecchio (Eric Ellwood)

Songs you might remember:
We are actually assuming nobody remembers anything from this film.

Why you should vote for them:
Musically, this was decent.

Why you should not vote for them:
What are the odds that you saw this?



Ciji Dunne

Ciji Dunne
In the vanilla soap opera, Knots Landing, Ciji Dunne (Lisa Hartman) was destined to become a star, and did so with her equally nondescript version of music. If you are a fan of this show then in theory Dunne should be a lock. The interesting thing is though, for a show that lasted as long as Knots Landing did, we don’t know anybody who actually watched it.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
Knots Landing (1982-83)

Lisa Hartman

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for her:
How about because in the 1980’s you found Lisa Hartman hot?

Why you should not vote for her:
She was forgettable.



Chuck Clarke & Lyle Rogers

Chuck Clarke and Lyle Rogers
The universally panned Ishtar (though it was not as bad as people thought) gave us the mega star combo of Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty who played Lyle Rogers and Chuck Clarke, two horrific songwriters who hope to be the next Simon and Garfunkel. The first act of the film where they are working on songs (written by Paul Williams) is actually amusing before it derails into a strange place where they are in Morocco and become part of a plot to overthrow the fictional country of Ishtar. The movie may have been awful, but in terms of the music it was entertaining.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Ishtar (1987)

Dustin Hoffman (Chuck Clarke)
Warren Beatty (Lyle Rogers

Songs you might remember:
Dangerous Business
Hot Fudge Love
The Echo Song

Why you should vote for them:
Out of pity?

Why you should not vote for them:
Do Hoffman and Beatty need anyone’s pity?



The Christers

Christers The
Never Been Thawed was an eccentric independent film, but had it not been for this quirky piece of cinema, we would never have been introduced to the “Bad Boys of Christian Rock”, The Christers. Before becoming the Christers, they were the “Reacharounds” a Punk band who pose as a Christian Rock band to score funds to complete their album. Basically, they sell out, as generating money for wholesome music was a lot easier, though we enjoyed the oddball characters that surrounded the film even more than the band.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Never Been Thawed (2004)

Shawn Anderson (Sean Anders)
Al McTavish (Allan Zwolle)
Steve Bogart

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
This was a good movie, a good idea and worth a look.

Why you should not vote for them:
We think we are the only ones who saw this.



Chris Gaines

Chris Gaines
This website almost went up without this one! When Country Music singer, Garth Brooks was legitimately one of the biggest singers in the United States, like most artists he wanted to explore his range. We imagine he felt pigeonholed, which is why he created “Chris Gaines” who was an alter ego from the Alternative Rock world. The music he created was mediocre, though he could have easily just released this under his own name rather than put on an emo wig and eyeliner. Incidentally, this experiment would mark the beginning of his decline.

The Bullet Points:
Album Appeared:
In the Life of Chris Gaines (1999)

Garth Brooks

Songs you might remember:
Lost in You

Why you should vote for him:
It may not be remembered now, but Garth Brooks was huge at the time.

Why you should not vote for him:
Brooks was huge; but Gaines caused his decline.



Chris Cole

Chris Cole
After his run as the replacement singer for Steel Dragon came to an end, it was time for Chris Cole to become introspective. Of course you do that in the only place possible, Seattle, where you get a haircut, wear a cardigan and whine in a coffee house. Somehow, we don’t think Chris Cole ever played arenas again.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Rock Star (2001)

Mark Wahlberg (Chris Cole)

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for him:
Because this is Dirk Diggler and he is bright shining star!

Why you should not vote for them:
Actually…you can vote for Dirk Diggler on this ballot, and there are two better choices from this movie.



Chock Full O' Notes

Chock Full O Notes
We have no illusion that this a capella group from the News Radio’s lead’s College will get inducted, but when we have a quartet that has Dave Foley, David Cross and Bob Odenkirk as three quarters of the group that apparently played “BadgerJam 88”, we know we have comedic gold.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
News Radio (1998)

David Foley
David Cross
Bob Odenkirk
Brian Posehn

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
Come on, this is a combination of Mr. Show and the Kids in the Hall!

Why you should not vote for them:
There is no signature song here at all.


The Chipettes

Chipettes The
So what do you do when you have a successful franchise? You create a female version
. The result of course, is a watered down (and frankly unnecessary) replica, but they probably have more recorded songs then your favorite bar band.

The Bullet Points:
Movie and TV Shows Appeared:
Alvin and the Chipmunks (1983-90)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)

Multiple voices used.

Songs you might remember:
Nothing really…

Why you should vote for them:
Until Alvin and the Chipmunks get in, this should never be considered.

Why you should not vote for them:
Even after Alvin gets in, this was really a lame female version.



Chief Kawanawanalea and his Royal Macadamia Nuts

Chief Kawanawanalea and his Royal Macedamia Nuts
From the underappreciated concept album (The Turtles present the Battle of the Bands) by the Turtles we have an albums where different “bands” appeared. This allowed the group to not only stretch their skills musically, as each “band” had a completely different sound and also showcase their humor.

It was a cheap joke, a short song and it still makes a lot of people chuckle when they hear it. Amazingly if any of these “bands” make our Hall (not that we are expecting any of them too), we think it might be the fine Chief.

The Bullet Points:
Album Appeared:
The Turtles present the Battle of the Bands (1968)

The Turtles

Songs you might remember:
I’m Chief Kawanawanalea (We’re the Royal Macadamia Nuts)

Why you should vote for them:
This song was a little infectious.  

Why you should not vote for them:
We aren’t sure ourselves if the Turtles billing themselves under another name for one song only should even count.



The Chesterfields

Chesterfields The
From the tribute film to the spirit of Rock and Roll, American Hot Wax, we have the Chesterfields who were a fictionalized version of Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers. The film’s rock stars were half people who played themselves and half made up bands, which may make these fictional entries from the film muddled at best, and long shots for entry.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
American Hot Wax (1978)

Carl Earl Weaver
Al Chalk
Sam Harkness
Arnold McCuller

Songs you might remember:
Why Do Fools Fall in Love?

Why you should vote for them:
This is from a film that celebrated Rock and Roll.

Why you should not vote for them:
Basically, they pretended they were someone else.

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