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The Sapphires

Sapphires The
From the great nation of Australia, we have a nice film about an All-Aboriginal female singing group who went to Vietnam to entertain the troops. It is very loosely based on a real life group and the film is equal parts drama and comedy; though a little cliché ridden. Still, for non-Australians who may not be familiar with it, it is work a look.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Sapphires (2012)

Deborah Mailman (Gail McCrae)
Jessica Mauboy (Julie McCrae)
Shari Shebbens (Kay McCrae)
Miranda Tapsell (Cynthia McCrae)

Songs you might remember:
Multiple covers, which were relevant to the era.

Why you should vote for them:
This was a decent film and was about music.

Why you should not vote for them:
Outside of Australia, does anyone know what this film is?


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