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The Cattanooga Cats

Cattanooga Cats The
Another animated attempt to capitalize on the Bubblegum genre, the Cattanooga Cats were…well a little different than the others. Perhaps it was the subtle psychedelic feel the music had (even though it was Country based), or maybe that is what we were on when we watched it. Actually, that was probably it.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
The Cattanooga Cats (1969-71)

Bill Callaway (Country, Lead Singer and Guitarist)
Julie Bennett (Kitty Jo, Singer and Dancer)
Jim Begg (Scoots, Bass)
Casey Kasem (Groove, Drums)

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
This was considered a cult hit. If so, there should be some fans of them out there.

Why you should not vote for them:
For a musical act, there is no signature song.


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