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Johnny Fontaine

Johnny Fontaine
Loosely based on Frank Sinatra, Jonny Fontaine was a nice character in the first Godfather film that was one of the godson’s of Don Vito Corleone. The Godfather assisted Fontaine throughout his career, most notably with the use of severed head in the bed of a movie studio executive. It got him the part, and put the crooner back on top. If you vote for him, we will make you an offer you can’t refuse!

The Bullet Points:
Movies Appeared:
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather Part III (1990)

Al Martino

Songs you might remember:
I Have But One Heart

Why you should vote for him:
Because we will make you an offer you can’t refuse.

Why you should not vote for him:
Does a crooner really belong in our Hall of Fame?



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