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Jennie Lee and the Mystery

Jennie Lee and the Mystery
Did anyone really ask for a movie starring Mallory from Family Ties? We didn’t think that anyone did, but here we have “Satisfaction” which stars Bateman as the lead singer of the Mystery, who along with her band head to Florida looking for a gig after High School Graduation. The film is cliché ridden and was repackaged on cable as a Julia Roberts vehicle after her career exploded with Pretty Woman. Our biggest problem is not so much that the plot and writing was lame, but that the band…well sucked, and frankly were not capable of getting any gig in the real world.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Satisfaction (1988)

Justine Bateman (Jennie Lee, Lead Singer)
Julia Roberts (Daryle, Bass)
Trini Alvarado (Mooch, Drummer)
Britta Phillips (Billie, Guitar)
Scott Coffey (Nickie, Keyboards)

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
This is the film that gave us Julia Roberts.

Why you should not vote for them:
They were not very good, and were two stages below a bad bar band.


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