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Ivanhoe Martin

Ivanhoe Martin
Arguably the most important film to come out of Jamaica, The Harder They Come starred Jimmy Cliff as Ivanhoe “Ivan” Martin, an aspiring reggae musician who fights the record company and the law on his road to stardom. This is a genre that had not given us very many representatives, and as this is one from an iconic film, that gave a great soundtrack and is by a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, we think we may have a sleeper candidate here.


The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Harder They Come (1972)

Jimmy Cliff

Songs you might remember:
The Harder They Come

Why you should vote for him:
This is easily the best Reggae choice on the ballot.

Why you should not vote for him:
Sadly, most people think the genre was only done by Bob Marley.


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