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Global Heresy

Global Heresy
From the film of the same name, we have the film that might have marked the end of Alicia Silverstone’s hotness. Playing (badly) a replacement for a bass player who has gone missing in a top band, Silverstone’s character helps the band to refocus as they are tucked away in a British mansion that they rented; which is staffed by the uptight owners who are trying to avoid the perception of their impending bankruptcy. Oh, the hilarity!  

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Global Heresy (2002)

Alicia Silverstone (Nat)
…and we don’t care who else.

Songs you might remember:
Throw Me A Line

Why you should vote for them:
They were set up as the top act on the planet.

Why you should not vote for them:
Alicia Silverstone in a band?   This is about as believable as her playing Bat Girl.


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