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Getting Gay with Kids

Getting Gay With Kids
With a group name that seemingly could only be found on South Park, we have a choir group called “Getting Gay With Kids”. Musically, they were horrible, but in the episode where they appeared we got a cameo voice of Jennifer Anniston, a song about the rain forest, which had both positive and negative versions, and Mr. Mackey at his best. We can’t say a kids choir really belongs in this Hall of Fame, but damn, we laughed a lot watching it.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
South Park (1999)

Trey Parker
Matt Stone

Songs you might remember:
We aren’t sure…though we know there is one pro-rainforest, and one anti-rainforest.

Why you should vote for them:
Like another South Park possibility, Fingerbang, we can argue just for the name alone.

Why you should not vote for them:
They were not that good, and we can’t say we even know what the name of the songs they did.


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