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Downtown Sasquatch

Downtown Sasquatch
With all due respect to the writers at Degrassi, “Downtown Sasquatch” has to be lamest name of any band, real or fake that we have ever heard. With that said, this band was a lot more polished than the Zit Remedy from the previous generation, and showed quite a bit of range through the series. The band never really made it; though their lead singer, Craig Manning did go on to make his own solo record. Incidentally, their guitar player in the real world would go on to have a huge Rap career, under the name of Drake.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
Degrassi: The Next Generation (2003-06)  

Jake Epstein (Craig Manning, Guitar & Vocals)
Aubrey “Drake” Graham (Jimmy Brooks, Guitar)
Adamo Ruggiero (Marco Del Rossi. Bass)
Shane Kippel (Spinner Mason, Drums)
Melissa McIntyre (Ashley Kerwin, Keyboards)
Stacey Farber (Ellie Nash, Drums)
Cassie Steele (Manny Santos, Tambourine)

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
They were not that bad for a teen band.

Why you should not vote for them:
Somehow, they should be punished for such a horrible name.


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