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2023 Fictitious Veterans Final Round

Walter "Kid Galahad" Gulick

Walter "Kid Galahad" Gulick
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Veterans Final Round
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Kid Gallahad (1961)
  • Actor/Actress: Elvis Presley
  • Position Portrayed: Boxer
  • Why you should vote:: Watch the original and then make a case if you can.
  • Why you should not vote:: Elvis as a boxer?
  • Ugh. A remake in name only from the brilliant 1937 film of the same movie, we see Elvis Presley don the boxing gloves (and of course sing for no reason) in Kid Galahad, where he is a mechanic turned boxer. Well, if you want to vote for the King, this is it, but we can say there are more (though not many) unrealistic looking boxers than Presley.