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Tanner Boyle

Tanner Boyle
It wasn’t that Tanner Boyle was a great player for the Bad News Bears (as he wasn’t), or that he was the star of the films (he wasn’t even in the third); however he was the favorite of many Bears fans for his foul mouth and feisty attitude. Boyle would not necessarily be the one given the best lines in the movies, but he was given the crudest; all of which was funnier with his short stature and floppy blonde hair.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Bad News Bears (1976)
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977)

Chris Barnes

Position Portrayed:

Played for:
The “Bad News” Bears

Why you should vote for him:
He may not have been the best player, but he was the heart of the team.

Why you should not vote for him:
If you are politically correct, he isn’t a character you can vote for.


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