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The Steve Miller Band

The NIHOF Committee wonders if other people feel the same way about our next selection. All five of us were fans of the Steve Miller Band, though none of us could really say that Miller was one of all time favorites or a must see on the concert tour. The Steve Miller Band certainly has a solid fan base, though based on our little cross section the fan base is not a passionate one.

T. Rex

The discussion of our next band generated a few embarrassing admissions. A couple of us acknowledged that they first discovered T.Rex with the Power Station’s somewhat capable cover “Get it On” in the mid 80’s and accordingly worked our way backward. Regardless, of how we discovered them, we are all glad we did.


The twenty eighth selection returns us back to the never ending Rock and Roll Hall of Fame question of inducting Progressive Rock acts. As a key player in the Progressive Rock movement; Yes was an impressive outfit regardless of which lineup they had.

Bon Jovi

Considering the vast amount of artists discussed here, only a small handful of them have achieved success through out their twenty five years awaiting eligibility. Even less on this list could sell out an arena internationally. Not only has Bon Jovi accomplished both feats; they could very well be the only group on this list with the best shot of maintaining that status over the next twenty five years.