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Tina Turner

Debating the merits of someone who is already in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with another group is commonplace here. Debating the merits of someone who eclipsed her former act in terms of success and notoriety though not necessarily musically is a little new for us. We can’t help but feel that Tina Turner falls in to that category.

350. Them

Many a British Invasion act is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and many others of that ilk are on this list. Although Them was packaged as a British Invasion band, chances are they never saw themselves that way.

143. Violent Femmes

So much of the music that made it big in the early 80’s seems so dated today. There is a constant wonder about the bands and hits that emerged from that decade that made us wonder just what the hell were we thinking? With the Violent Femmes, it might just be the opposite, as this could be the music that you could pass down generations as it doesn’t seem to have aged at all.

112. Cyndi Lauper

Sometimes its fun to look back at the early days of MTV and see which of the stars survived and which haven’t. Depending on who you ask, you might get a different answer as to whether Cyndi Lauper “survived” or not.