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40. Hersey Hawkins

Once again, we have another player who had a solid pro career that is overshadowed by a spectacular college career.  Hersey Hawkins is only one of six players to score more than 6,000 career points in Division One.  Hawkins and Chet Walker are easily the two best players ever to come from Bradley University; and the Braves are one of the best programs ever that nobody remembers.  This might be hurting him. He may be sadly best remembered for an injury that kept him out of most of the 1988 Olympic Games and some say cost the team a gold due to their lack of perimeter shooting.  This of course led to the Dream Team being created so he has got that going for him.

57. Fred Brown

“Downtown” Fred Brown really was the epitome of instant offense off the bench.  A true legend in Seattle, Brown played his entire career scoring almost 15,000 points mostly with long range bombs hence the aforementioned nickname.  Captain of the '79 team that won the title, Brown led the league in three point shooting percentage in 1980, the first year of the new rule.  Unfortunately, this rule was way into his career because Freddy used to launch the rock from anywhere.  If the three point line were in effect during Downtown’s career he may have led the league in scoring a few years; he was that good from long distance.

96. Jeff Malone

Jeff Malone was just another pedestrian shooting guard who will never get in though he scored over 17,000 points at a 19 point per game average.  If you look at the previous entry, the Hall of Fame just does not like shooters.

54. Jeff Hornacek

Jeff Hornacek was a late second round pick out of Iowa State where he had played point guard.  His ability to pass was often overlooked later in his career as he is currently in the top fifty in career assists.  One of the great shooters in the history of the league, Hornacek was a great third scoring option on two different title contenders.  Best known for his play with the Jazz when they challenged the Bulls in back to back years, Hornacek's consistency helps his chances but the fact he was never even the second best player on teams that didn’t win greatly hamper his Hall of Fame chances.