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The US Athletic Hall of Fame - Coaches 2023

John Kundla

  • Contest: The US Athletic Hall of Fame - Coaches 2023
  • Embed from Getty Images
  • Sport(s): Basketball
  • Statistics: 4 NBA Championship (1949, 1050, 1952, 1953 & 1954)

    1 NBL Championship (1948)

    423-302 NBA & BAA Record

    121-116 NCAA Record

    Member of the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame

    Member of the College Basketball Hall of Fame
  • If there were the first dynasty in professional basketball, it would be the Minneapolis Lakers, and their head coach was John Kundla.

    A coach at St. Thomas for a year before landing the Lakers job, Kundla led Minneapolis to an NBL Championship in 1948. As the team migrated to the Basketball Association of America, which became the National Basketball Association, the Lakers became the first league powerhouse. In the first six seasons of the NBA’s existence, Kundla’s Lakers won five of those championships.

    As his stars began to age out, the Lakers slumped, but despite a losing record, he coached Minneapolis to an appearance in the finals in 1959. This was his last year with the team, though not because he was let go. The Lakers were moving to Los Angeles in 1960, and he opted instead to stay in his home state, where he took over the head coaching duties for the University of Minnesota.

    We are proud to nominate John Kundla for the United States Athletic Hall of Fame.