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Otis Lee Crenshaw

Otis Lee Crenshaw
Rich Hall may not have achieved that much fame for his work on Saturday Night Live and Fridays, but he has gained a bit of success for his Country Music alter ego, Otis Lee Crenshaw. Crenshaw is Tennessee born, married seven times and has been incarcerated a dozen times. His signature song is the prison rape song, “He Almost Looks Like You” which might be enough for anyone to consider voting for him. Otis Lee Crenshaw actually has a CD out and did a tour with his backing band, The Black Liars.  

The Bullet Points:
Album Appeared:
London Not Tennessee

Rich Hall

Songs you might remember:
He Almost Looks Like You

Why you should vote for him:
How many other times do you have to induct someone who sang about prison rape?

Why you should not vote for him:
Many people are unaware of the character; much like they are unaware of Hall himself.



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