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The Masked Marauders

Masked Marauders The
We love a good hoax! In 1969, Rolling Stone Magazine talked about a recording session with Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, John Lennon and Paul McCartney and a bootleg album that resulted from it. There was a review of the album, which although was done in tongue and cheek fashion resulted in many fans believing it, and why wouldn’t they? This was the first era of the supergroup (CSNY, Blind Faith) and who wouldn’t want a Beatle to collaborate with a Rolling Stone? The reaction to the article was so strong that the magazine hired an unknown band with a Jagger sound-a-like to record an album, which was produced a by a major label and had many people rush to record store to buy a copy.

If they didn’t realize it was a joke before, they certainly should have after they bought the album of poor material, and heard the final track, which was essentially an apology. Still, it was a great joke, and perhaps a dark horse candidate for the Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. If anything, this entry on the ballot is what this Hall is all about.

The Bullet Points:
Magazine Appeared:
Rolling Stone (1969)


Songs you might remember:
Saturday Night at the Cow Palace

Why you should vote for them:
It was real people who never actually collaborated. This was genius for the purposes of what we are building here.

Why you should not vote for them:
For something so brilliant, how come it is not remembered that much?


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