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The Dreams

Specifically the version from the movie version of Dreamgirls, The Dreams were the Diana Ross and the Supremes knockoff that gave us a cast that gave us an Academy Award Winner (Jennifer Hudson) and one of the biggest musical stars ever (Beyonce). Hudson won the Oscar, but overall the trio was brilliant and was a version worth considering for this Fictitious Rock And Roll Hall of Fame.    

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Dreamgirls (2006)

Beyonce Knowles (Gino Minnelli, Guitar)
Jennifer Hudson (Martha Spino, Vocals)
Anika Noni-Rose (Morris Weiner, Keyboards)

Songs you might remember:
And I am Telling You I am not Going (Hudson)

Why you should vote for them:
Overall, they were brilliant.

Why you should not vote for them:
It was so close to the Supremes, that it was not “fictitious” enough.



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