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Many Boy Bands are essentially lame but in the straight to video Disney effort, Pop Star, Aaron Carter takes it to a new level. He plays J.D. McQueen who is one of the members of Downtown, and he has to go to school…or something…hell we don’t know. We do know that Leif Garrett shows up as a janitor, which is interesting for nostalgic purposes, but in watching this, we remembered why we wanted Aaron Carter would just go away. As it turned out, he eventually did!

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Pop Star (2005)

Aaron Carter…and we don’t know who else.

Songs you might remember:
We don’t remember any.

Why you should vote for them:
You probably shouldn’t.

Why you should not vote for them:
If the best we can say is a Leif Cassidy cameo that says it all.


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